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Additional Mechanisms Kit

Additional Mechanisms Kit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1980007

Categories: Engineering Fundamentals Teaching System Lab

Tags: Additional Mechanisms Kit


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  • Description

These include the Genevamechanism and a ratchet mechanism. Students test each mechanism to see how itworks and note the differences in the way that each mechanism converts themotion. This kit offers additional mechanisms, supplementary tothose of the Simple Mechanisms Kit. Students, teachers or lecturers fit theparts of the kit to the Work Panel to study or demonstrate an engineeringscience topic. The two mechanisms are the same as those used in real applications,such CNC machines, hand tools, turnstiles and lifting hoists. Each has a uniqueway of converting motion, shown by the experiments. This kit includes two popular mechanisms for experiments inconversion of motion from one form to another.

Main parts:
Ratchet mechanism
Geneva mechanism


Packed volume and weight: 0.015 m3 and 3 kg
Storage tray (withclip-on lid): 450 mm x 320 mm x 85 mm
Nett weight: 2.5 kg.
