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Basic Bus Technology

Basic Bus Technology

Product Code: LBNY-0005-120000191

Categories: Automotive Technology Testing System

Tags: Basic Bus Technology


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  • Description

The magic to control with the same switch, on only a single line, several lights -impressively shows the underlying principle. Insert addresses determined forthe control units and send free messages. At the outputs connect your existing lighting panels or use the built-in LED lights. This module panel is ideally suited to initiate the transition from conventional circuits to networked systems. 

Two transmitting and receiving units, eachunit can be freely assigned to communicate using a 4-bit address
Outputs with power relays for use ofautomotive lights
Use standard workshop measuring instruments,oscilloscope
28 x connectors in 4mm safety version
Each transmitter units can send 4-bituser-defined messages by the push of a button, either individually orsimultaneously
Messages on the bus line can be measured withan oscilloscope and recorded
Educational documents with tasks andworksheets and associated solutions.


Dimensions: L x H x D: 956 x 250 x 140 mm
Power supply: 12 Volt DC
Weight: about 4 kg.
