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Belt Drive Kit

Belt Drive Kit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10100038

Categories: Engineering Mechanics Lab Equipments

Tags: Belt Drive Kit


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  • Description

It is important that the belt should not vibrate and/or slip. The belt drive is a dual belt drive with a belt tensioner. It can, however, also be operated with only one belt. The accessory set-up can be used to investigate conditions that cause vibration or slip. The effect of disparate elongation on multiple belt drives can be demonstrated by means of individually-adjustable tensioning rollers. When properly designed, manufactured, and correctly set; belt drives are low-maintenance, low-noise, long-life drive units. The brake and load unit is required to conduct the experiment. The accessory set can also be used to apply transverse loads in other experiments. An eccentrically-bored small belt pulley and a damaged V-belt enhance the range of possible experiments.


Belt drive can be operated with one belt
Individually-adjustable tensioning rollers
Investigation of the vibrations of belt drives
Belt drive with eccentricity
Dual belt drive with V-belt
Damaged V-belt
Belt pre-tension measuring device 0...150N
Suitable for applying transverse loads on other systems within the accessory sets of the series
Stackable box for all components

Technical Data:
V-belt pulleys
Small, eccentric: D=63mm
Large: D=125mm
Small: D=63mm
Axle centres: 300mm
Belt length: 912mm
SPZ, 10mm wide
Dimensions and Weight of Belt Drive Kit
l x w x h: 600x400x170mm (box)
Weight: approx. 6kg.
