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Bench For The Study Of Single Phase Motors

Bench For The Study Of Single Phase Motors

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1050006

Categories: Electrical Machine Power Electronics

Tags: Bench For The Study Of Single Phase Motors


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  • Description

Single phase motors, although less used in the industry than the three phase motors, represent a not significant part in low power applications that use the single phase network. Rarely used in the industry, the single phase universal motor is the motor that is most manufactured in the world, popular in the field of home appliances and in that of portable equipment. At the same power, they are more bulky than three phase motors and their performance and cos  are much lower but are simple in construction, cheap in cost, reliable and easy to repair and maintain.


The electric machines bench has been designed to satisfy the following basic requirements:
The economic advantage
The number of groups of students who must work simultaneously
The plan activities
The available space of the working area.
