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Bench Top Cooling Tower

Bench Top Cooling Tower

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1020002

Categories: Heat Transfer Lab Equipments

Tags: Bench Top Cooling Tower


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  • Description

Bench Top Cooling Tower Standard instrumentation allows measurement of the air, circulating water mass flow rate and all end state temperatures using wet and dry bulb thermocouples. Bench Top Cooling Tower unit incorporates a process load, circulating pump, packed column, water distribution, volume control system and fan. Reproduces all the processes that are found in an industrial system serviced by a forced draught cooling tower.  Evaporation rates under varying load and flow conditions can also be investigated.

External Capabilities:
Measurement of all end states and rates of flow of water, air and make-up.
Plotting of end states on a psychrometric chart and the application of the steady flow equation to draw up energy balances.
Observation of water flow pattern and distribution.
Investigation of performance at,
A range of process cooling loads.
A range of inlet temperatures.


Constructed in transparent P.V.C. with eight decks of inclined laminated plastic packing, water distribution troughs and pressure tappings. Packing density 110m2 per m3.
Bench Top Cooling Tower Constructed in Impact Resistant Plastic and housing load tank with 0.5 and 1.0 kW heaters and float level control, make-up tank, bronze circulating pump, air fan, electrical control panel with digital temperature indicator.
Digital Temperature indicator with channel selector switch for all wet bulb, dry bulb and water temperatures. Variable area water flowmeter and manometer for airflow.
Transparent P.V.C. fitted with 80mm dia. Sharp edged orifice, droplet arrester and water distributor.
