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Binary Distillation Trainer With DCS Control

Binary Distillation Trainer With DCS Control


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Distillation and fractionation operations are found throughout the petroleum, petrochemical and numerous other industries. Binary Distillation Trainer with DCS Control trainer separates a methanol water mixture in a see-through, bubble cap tray column. The separation of liquid mixtures and recovery of the components typically involves the distillation process. The entire trainer is controlled from an optional distributed control system or control panel. The Binary Distillation Trainer with DCS Control trainer is equipped with industry-typical process measurement and control devices. 

Process of Binary Distillation Trainer with DCS Control
Liquids are recycled to the feed tank for continuous operation
Working fluids methanol and water
Continuous variable flow


Stainless steel feed storage tank and two glass product receivers
Electronic process measurement and distributed control system with 5 control loops
Glass distillation column with nine bubble-cap trays 
Glass reflux accumulator
Three heat exchangers, brazed SS plate type
Three centrifugal pumps
All other process equipment made of stainless steel
Reboiler with optional electric or steam heat 30kW capacity.
