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Centrifugal Pumps Study Unit

Centrifugal Pumps Study Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16000012

Categories: Hydraulic Applied Studies Apparatus

Tags: Centrifugal Pumps Study Unit


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  • Description

Equipped with all the instruments and controls necessary for testing, it requires only to be connected to electrical supply and filled with clean water. The trolley-mounted self-sufficient unit has been designed to study the features of centrifugal pumps. 
The group is supplied with manuals which describe all parts of the unit, the installation and utilisation procedures, as well as many exercises with the relative results.
The Centrifugal Pumps Study Unit is supplied in four different versions, the first two of which allow also for series-parallel tests:
One pump with a.c. motor
One pump with d.c. motor
Two pumps with 2-speed a.c. motors
Two pumps with one 2-speed a.c. motor and one d.c. motor


Centrifugal Pumps Study Unit
