Our Products
Controls System

Controls System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-120000180

Categories: Automotive Technology Testing System

Tags: Controls System


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  • Description

The combination with other system boards enables versatile variants andconfiguration levels for the control of components which are connectedaccording to the circuit diagram. This module panel represents the center ofyour T-Varia system in the field of conventional central electrics. 

Use standard workshop measuring and testing devices for diagnosis and troubleshooting
85x connectors in 4mm safety design, including 2 x 6mm safety design, for wiringand for measuring
Connectall original automotive components according to the wiring diagram
Quickand easy inserting hidden practical errors in the circuit configuration
Educationaldocuments with tasks and worksheets and associated solutions
Additionalintegrated circuit failure box with 20 errors, lockable with lid. 


Dimensions: L x H x D: 956 x 250 x 140 mm
Power supply: 12 Volt DC
Weight: about 6 kg.
