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Diffusion In Liquids And Gases

Diffusion In Liquids And Gases

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12700066

Categories: Process Engineering Equipments

Tags: Diffusion In Liquids And Gases


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  • Description

Evaporation of a highly volatile solvent with a diffusion tube in a heated water bath for investigating diffusion in gases
Investigation of diffusion in liquids and gases
Transparent tank with magnetic stirrer, conductivity meter and U-tube with capillaries for investigating diffusion in aqueous solutions
Height-adjustable microscope for monitoring and determining the solvent volume in the diffusion tube
Removal of gaseous solvent at the upper end of the diffusion tube with a fan
Separate display and control unit contains temperature controller and fan
Heater with controller and sensor for adjusting the temperature in the water bath.


Speed stirrer: 0...1500min-1
Tank with stirrer: approx. 1500mL
Water bath: approx. 2L
253 capillaries made of stainless steel
Diameter: 1mm, length: 5mm
Diffusion tube for solvent
Fan: 120...320L/h
Microscope scale division: 0,1mm
Diameter: 3,4mm, length: 85mm
Power output heater: approx. 150W.
