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Elastic Line Of A Beam

Elastic Line Of A Beam

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10100022

Categories: Engineering Mechanics Lab Equipments

Tags: Elastic Line Of A Beam


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  • Description

Beams are important design elements in mechanical engineering and building construction that can deform under load. In linearelastic material behaviour, the bending line, also known as elastic line, is used to determine the deflection of beams. Deflection can be determined at any point on the beam using the influence coefficients and commutative theory. Beams are subjected to load transversely in the axial direction, which leads to deflection.

Beams of different materials: steel, brass and aluminium.

Learning Objectives And Experiments:
Elastic line and support forces in statically indeterminate systems.
Elastic line under varying load.
Elastic line under various support conditions.


Elastic Line Of A Beam
