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Electricity and Electronics Fundamentals Trainer

Electricity and Electronics Fundamentals Trainer


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Electricity and Electronics Fundamentals Trainer


Electricity and Electronics Fundamentals Trainer covering the concepts, theory and applications of basic electricity and electronics that are required for technicians.
This comprehensive course is presented in a systematic way starting the student out at the beginning covering basic theory and measurements with meters.
Base Station: Student Base Station: This unit serves as the platform for carrying out the student experiments.
Through 2 mm sockets and test leads.

It includes a variety of components such as the following:
Trainer board, component and Circuit based PCB Module
Base Station: Fixed regulated DC
Power Supplies: +5V, +15V, -15V
Variable Regulated DC Power Supply: 0 - 25V
Potentiometers: 4 units
Pulse Switches: 2 units
8 bits LED display.
Toggle Switches: 5 spdt
Speaker: 2.25 inch, 8 ohm/0.25w
One set of 2 mm stackable test leads to perform all required inter-connections.
Set of PCB Board Experiment Modules

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