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Fan Accessory

Fan Accessory

Product Code: LBNY-0004-780022

Categories: Educational Lab Equipments

Tags: Fan Accessory


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  • Description

Fan Accessory


Mechanical bench accessory  21:
Fan Accessory
Hands-off Operation: You can turn the Smart Fan on and off wirelessly from your computing device.
Adjust the Thrust: Move the slider in the software and watch the fan respond.
Reverse the Spin of the Fan: Input a negative thrust to make the fan blow in the opposite direction.
Set Start and Stop Conditions: Choose to start the fan when a measurement (such as Position) reaches a certain value. Make the fan stop after a certain time so the cart coasts during part of the experiment.
To be connected to track carts
To be controlled and programmed by the software
Provides a of 0.2 N thrust
Provides a constant speed
