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Frame For Load Testing 400kN

Frame For Load Testing 400kN

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10100014

Categories: Engineering Mechanics Lab Equipments

Tags: Frame For Load Testing 400kN


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  • Description

The frame for load tests has been designed specifically for experiments in the fields of steelwork and civil engineering. Large components at a 1:1 scale are studied. The demands of modern, technically sophisticated designs require a solid understanding of the strength and deformation of components. Different load states can be simulated in load experiments and the reaction to the load recorded and analysed. This makes it possible to demonstrate the load bearing capacity of the design by means of experiment.

Specially designed for large components at a 1:1 scale.
Wide range of applications thanks to extensive accessories.
Load tests on components from steelwork and civil engineering.

Learning Objectives And Experiments:
Bending tests
Load tests
Together with the accessories
Compression tests.


Frame For Load Testing 400kN
