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Function Generator (40MHz, 2 channel)

Function Generator (40MHz, 2 channel)

Product Code: LBNY-0002-620032

Categories: Electrical Power Engineering Test Equipment

Tags: Function Generator (40MHz, 2 channel)


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  • Description

Function Generator (40MHz, 2 channel)


High precision, stable, pure and low distortion signals; provide high frequency square wave with quick rise and fall edges.
Users can improve their working efficiency by using the multifunctional instrument of easy operated interface, competitive specifications and humanized graphical display.
Designing, testing, troubleshooting, and repairing of electronic and electroacoustic devices, such as circuit and equipment testing in cellular and wireless systems, broadcasting, television and radio systems; semiconductor component testing etc.
Output wave: Sine, Square, Ramp, Burst, Noise, DC Arbitrary, Harmonic, Expression
Wave length: 8pts~16Mpts.

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