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Galvanic Skin Resistance

Galvanic Skin Resistance

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12400027

Categories: Electronics Equipment

Tags: Galvanic Skin Resistance


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  • Description

The changes of the resistance are particularly significant on the palm of the hands and on the plant of the feet. Such resistance decreases during periods of emotional stress. Moreover, the surface of the skin shows an electrical potential, that can reach up to 50mV and that can equally be influenced by emotional states. At the passage of an electrical current, the skin shows a resistance that is normally within the 100 kOhm to 1 MOhm range.

Circuit blocks:
Typical circuit that is used in the monitoring of the Galvanic Skin Resistance
Variation of the resistance in direct current of the skin with relation to humidity
Recording of the changes of the Galvanic Resistance of the skin due to emotional or physical stimuli.


Theoretical topics:
The electric characteristic of the skin
Behaviour of the human body at the passage of an electric current
Galvanic Resistance of the skin
Measurement of the resistance and of the potential
Visual and audio signaling
The function of the different skin layers
Different types of measurements.
