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Logic Circuits

Logic Circuits

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12400051

Categories: Electronics Equipment

Tags: Logic Circuits


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  • Description

Theoretical topics of Logic Circuits
The algebraic description of the logic gates
The theorems of the Boolean Algebra
Binary system
Logic functions
The truth tables
Fundamental logic operators
NOT, AND and OR logic operators
Use of the AND and OR operators as control devices for the transfer of logic Classic form of a function
Graphic representation of the functions
AND OR NOT function
Techniques for the minimization of the logic functions through the application of the theorems signals
OR exclusive logic operator
Characteristic parameters of the logic gates
Definition and characteristics of a combinatory logic network
NAND and NOR logic operators
Use of the NAND and NOR operators as control devices for the transfer of logic signals
The TTL family
The CMOS family
The Karnaugh maps
Encoders, decoders, multiplexer and demultiplexer
Fault simulation
The BCD code.


Logic Circuits
