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Power And Control Board

Power And Control Board

Product Code: LBNY-0005-124000100

Categories: Electronics Equipment

Tags: Power And Control Board


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  • Description

It allows the autonomous study of the thyristors in the main single phase bridge circuit configuration (semiand totally controlled) and in the ac/ac converters as well as the study of the triac in the control of the alternating voltage and in the controlled rectifi cation.
Furthermore, there is a potentio meter for the manual control of the devices activation. The board is supplied complete with a set of stackable, plug in cables of suitable lengths and colours and with a training manual.
The power section includes: 4 thyristors, 1 triac, 4 diodes, 1 fly wheel diode and 1 ohmic inductive load. The control section allows the realization of: proportional control, on off control or phase control, both on the positive and negative semi wave.
Power supply: 24Vac, 1A, 50/60Hz


Half controlled single phase rectifier bridge with and without flywheel diode
Fully controlled single phase Rectifier Bridge
Control of full wave rectification with ohmic load and with ohmic inductive load
SCR control with alternating voltage synchronous and in phase with the anode voltage
Half wave rectifiers with ohmic inductive load with and without flywheel diode
Half controlled single phase rectifier bridge 
SCR control with alternating voltage synchronous and in phase with the anode voltage supplying the gate with and without flywheel diode
Mains alternating voltage regulation
Pulse train control
Half wave ac/ac converter
Full wave ac/ac converter.
