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Refrigeration And Air Conditioning Unit One Condenser Air And Two Evaporators Water And Air

Refrigeration And Air Conditioning Unit One Condenser Air And Two Evaporators Water And Air


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  • Description

Bench-top unit. Anodized aluminium structure and panels in painted steel (epoxy paint). Main metallic elements in stainless steel. 
Air condenser, computer controlled.
High pressure control.
Coolant accumulation tank. Cooling filter. Tank of division of the cooling liquid.
Diagram in the front panel with similar distribution to the elements in the real unit.
Cooling compressor, computer controlled.
Expansion valve.
Air evaporator, computer controlled.
Water evaporator. 
4 Manometers.
2 Flow sensors: Cooling flow sensor. Water flow sensor (water evaporator).
9 Temperature sensors (4 sensors measure the cooling temperature, 2 sensors measure the water temperature, 3 sensors measure the air temperature
2 Pressure sensors: Cooling pressure sensor (compressor outlet). Cooling pressure sensor (compressor inlet).
Enthalpy diagram of the refrigerant R134a.


Refrigeration And Air Conditioning Unit One Condenser Air And Two Evaporators Water And Air

Refrigeration And Air Conditioning Unit One Condenser Air And Two Evaporators Water And Air

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