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Salient Pole Generator

Salient Pole Generator

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1590009

Categories: Electrical Power Systems Lab

Tags: Salient Pole Generator


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  • Description

The open and flexible design is ideal for lecturers to create theirown experiments, as well as student project work. To allow realisticinvestigations, the characteristics of the prime mover and generator aresimilar to industrial turbine and generator sets. The Salient Pole Generator explores the principles andcharacteristics of salient pole generators. It contains everything needed forsalient pole generator experiments including resistive capacitive and inductiveload banks. Manual or automatic voltage regulation excitation controls theoutput voltage of the generator. When the generator is in overrun mode,resistors dissipate the reverse power. The prime mover and generatorset is two coupled machines mounted on a common bedplate in the base of theconsole. The user maysynchronise the generator output to the grid supply using a synchroscope. Theymay also use the set of three coloured lamps. The control and protectioncircuits work when the generator is unsynchronised and synchronised to themains electrical supply. A vector drive controls the speed of theprime mover and allows investigations into load flow in positive and negative directions. An integral shaft encoder allows load angle analysis. When the generator is synchronised, the user canoperate a variable quadrature droop for reactive power regulation.


Nett dimensions and weight: 1850 mm long x 1870 mm high x 960 mm and 750 kg
