Our Products
Vegetables Processing

Vegetables Processing

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1070008

Categories: Food Technology Equipments

Tags: Vegetables Processing


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  • Description

Drying lines for vegetables
Static batch dryers suitable to process tomatoes and any kind of fruits. Therefore, we are able to supply complete drying lines as well as equipment for product preparation as washing units, cutting machines and distribution systems of the products on drying trays.
Tomato processing
We can provide single machines or complete lines for the preparation of tomato passata, tomato sauces, tomato paste and ketchup. Also for this kind of line we study tailor made solution for customers, both big industries and small and medium producers.
Preserved vegetables in oil or vinegar
Complete lines or single machines for processing vegetables in preserved products, in oil, vinegar and brine. Mainly equipment of smallmedium capacity but  as usual  always design according to the real customer needs.


Vegetables Processing
