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Vertical Visualisation Of Flow Fields

Vertical Visualisation Of Flow Fields

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12500012

Categories: Thermal Engineering and HVAC Equipment

Tags: Vertical Visualisation Of Flow Fields


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  • Description

Electrolytically generated hydrogen bubbles rise with the flow, flow around the model and visualise the flow. Different models are available: drag bodies (e.g. aerofoils and cylinders) or changes in cross-sections. Fine gas bubbles are perfectly suited to visualising flow fields. Due to analogies, many flow processes that occur in air can also be demonstrated by experiments in water. Water flows from bottom to top through the experimental section. The trainer consists of a vertical experimental section in which an interchangeable model is inserted. 

Learning Objectives And Experiments:
Vortex formation, demonstration of Karman vortices
Qualitative observation of the velocity distribution in laminar flow
Visualisation of two-dimensional flows
Flow separation
Analogy to air flow
Streamline course in flow around and through models.


Electrolytically generated hydrogen bubbles visualise flow fields of different models
Low-turbulence flow using stabilisation tank with flow straightener
Bubble generator: platinum wire as cathode and frame of experimental section as anode
Closed water circuit with experimental section, storage tank, pump, valve to adjust the flow velocity
Cathode can be inserted in different positions
Setting cathode current, pulse and pause duration
Vertical experimental section with black background, LED illumination on both sides and 2 insert positions for the model
Switch cabinet with displays for cathode current and flow velocity.
