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Water Flow In Pipes and Fitting Experiments

Water Flow In Pipes and Fitting Experiments


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  • Description

It is also of significant interest in such diverse fields as Civil and Chemical Engineering, and Biology and Medicine. Early work in the subject was essentially empirical and despite many advances in mathematical analysis the complexity of the flow of real fluids is such that very few complete solutions of flow situations exist and therefore a large part of the topic of fluid flow in closed conduits remains an empirical science. In this area, three sets of experiments are considered which are all concerned with the flow of water through circular pipes or tubes, the head loss through pipe fittings, the loss of head at changes in pipe section, the head loss which occurs at entry and exit to pipes, the pressure loss across valves and valve characteristics. The flow of fluids in closed conduits or pipes is a major topic in the Mechanical Engineering subject of Mechanics of Fluids due to its practical importance in so many fields of study.


Experimental Capability:
Upper and lower critical values of Reynolds number
Friction factors for fluid flow in a pipe.
Laminar and turbulent flow regions involving Poiseuilles and Darcy-Weisbach equations.
Accessories Required of Water Flow In Pipes and Fitting Experiments: 
Hydraulic Bench
Constant Head Inlet Tank
Variable Head Outlet Tank
Feed Block
Measuring Cylinder
Pump Speed Display
Dimensions and Weights:
Nett: 60 x 60 x 500 mm, 0.3 Kg.

Water Flow In Pipes and Fitting Experiments

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