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Biscuit high energy+protein 200x50g

Biscuit high energy+protein 200x50g

Product Code: LBNY-0022-2200042

Categories: Nutrition

Tags: Biscuit high energy+protein 200x50g


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  • Description

They are intended for general food distribution and use in emergencies. There are 200 packages weighing 50 g each, for a total of 10 kg of product. High Energy Biscuits (HEB) are biscuits high in energy and protein and supplemented with a premix of vitamins and minerals. 

Intended use:
HEB are intended for general food distribution, school feeding and use in emergencies. Their use is also extended to a complement food ration (such as snacks) to provide vitamins and minerals in regions/population where diet is subject to nutritional deficiencies. HEB can also be used to prevent micronutrient deficiency in young and school age children. This ready to eat food is used to cover urgent needs in the acute phase of an emergency during which population is not able to cook due to a lack of access to basic facilities (clean water, cooking equipment, etc.). 


Nutritional value: it shall contain the following nutritional value per 100g dry matter:
Moisture content: 4.5% maximum
Fat: 15.0g minimum
Sugar (total): 10.0-15.0g
Fiber (crude): 2.3g maximum
Energy: 450 kcal minimum
Protein: 10.0-15.0g (N x 6.25)
Ash (total): 3.5g maximum
