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Blood Pressure Monitoring

Blood Pressure Monitoring

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12400028

Categories: Electronics Equipment

Tags: Blood Pressure Monitoring


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  • Description

The lower value (diastole) corresponds to the pressure that we have in the arteries between two heart beats. The upper value (systole) is the maximum pressure that is recorded in the artery in consequence of the heartbeat. In blood vessels there must be a certain pressure in order that the blood can properly flow. Each heartbeat causes a pressure wave that is transferred to the arteries. Therefore, it is necessary to properly evaluate the pressure and its variability through a pressure and heart beat digital meter.

Circuit blocks of Blood Pressure Monitoring
Typical circuit used in Blood Pressure Monitoring
Measurement of the blood pressure and heart beat
Evaluation of the average cardiac rate

Theoretical topics of Blood Pressure Monitoring
Measuring the blood pressure
The sensors
The blood pressure


Blood Pressure Monitoring
