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Pulse Conversion

Pulse Conversion

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12400037

Categories: Electronics Equipment

Tags: Pulse Conversion


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  • Description

In this course students will study some circuits for analogue to pulse conversion, sound indicator and analogue frequency meter. This board does not substitute the medical device under study. The events monitoring systems such as the frequency of the cardiac pulsations, the breathing frequency, etc., require that an analogue signal be converted to pulses and visualized on a display in order to be measured. They are just for demonstration purposes. The results of the experiments have no medical value.

Circuit blocks of Pulse Conversion
Measurement of the frequency of a periodical signal.
Circuit for the conversion of an analogue signal to a pulse signal.
Evaluation of the average cardiac frequency.


Theoretical topics of Pulse Conversion
Role of the measurement of the frequency
Instruments for the measurement of the frequency for biomedical applications
Difference between analogue and digital meters
Role of the analogue-pulsed conversion
Role of the audio and visual signaling
Different types of pulse generators
Description of a conversion block
Description of an audio signaling block
Description of a visual signaling block
Different types of visual and audio indicators.
