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Computer Controlled Tray Drier

Computer Controlled Tray Drier

Product Code: LBNY-0002-710006

Categories: Engineering Lab Supplies

Tags: Computer Controlled Tray Drier


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Computer Controlled Tray Drier


Computer Controlled Tray Drier
The Computer Controlled Tray Drier, uses one of the most usual drying methods. It consists in making an air current circulate towards the substance to be dried.
The set-up is designed to demonstrate and stimulate the moisture removal by heat under forced draft action created by hot air stream. The set-up consists of an insulated double wall chamber.
Inside the chamber a tray is attached directly to an electronic weighing balance, which is fitted on top outside the chamber. Material for drying is placed in the tray and regular loss of weight is monitored.
Air from blower passes through heating chamber to produce hot air works as the drying agent entered from one side of the chamber and leave the chamber from other side removes the moisture from the tray.
An arrangement is made to vary and measure the airflow rate. A digital temperature controller is used to control and measure the temperature of air stream.
Computer to be made available by the user.

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