Our Products
Domestic Heating Unit

Domestic Heating Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-11200031

Categories: Thermodynamics Lab Equipments

Tags: Domestic Heating Unit


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  • Description

The Domestic Heating Unit is provided with an electrical control board including all the instrumentation necessary to control and check the efficiency of the boiler and the distribution efficiency of the chosen system; a metering system for the heat used up by the distribution system can also be provided. Domestic Heating Unit has been designed to enable the students to become familiar with the problems encountered in the construction and management of heating systems fuelled by a liquid and using water as their heat distribution medium. With Domestic Heating Unit it proves possible to study three different systems: Module Areas, Single-Pipe, and Floor Plant. The power station is made up of a boiler with a gas-oil burner, and it uses a closed system and automatic water charging from the network.


Technical Specifications:
Recirculation water pump and water supply pump
Max. flow-rate: 33 l/min
Three rotation speeds
Power: 43W
Fuel consumption 2 to 3.3 kg/h
Power from 23.7 to 39.1 kW
Single stage pressure drop type
Capacity: 14.5 l
Thermal power: 23.6 kW
Elements: 3
Maximum working pressure: 4 bar
Dimensions: 450 x 380 x 850 h mm.
