Our Products
Drum Brake System

Drum Brake System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1300001

Categories: General Mechanics Instruments Lab

Tags: Drum Brake System


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  • Description

The unit permits to demonstrate the difference in the  braking torque between leading and trailing shoe braking systems and the effect on the braking torque of the different combinations of leading and trailing shoes. The Drum Brake System is particularly suitable for motor vehicle teaching. With this unit we can carry out studies and experiments to investigate the relationship between actuating forces and the braking torques and for the determination of the coefficient of friction between the brake lining and the drum. To have drum torque and braking load applied by weights hangers and cord.
There are available, as optional, shoes with full lining and shoe with adjustable lining to enable the students to carry out other experiments and investigations.
In order to carry out some of the practices with unit, 2 set of weights B type are required. Two shoes with brake linings are provided.


Drum Brake System
