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Dynamometer Eddy Current Brake

Dynamometer Eddy Current Brake

Product Code: LBNY-0005-120000164

Categories: Automotive Technology Testing System

Tags: Dynamometer Eddy Current Brake


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  • Description

The applianceis designed as an eddy current brake. The magnetic effect uses up the engine power; the rotating torque istransformed into a locked rotor torque and measured.  The energy is transformed into heat. The educational appliance Engine Dynamometer was developed specifically forpurposes of  teaching and for othermeasurements of engine output. The compact structure makes it possible to quicklydisconnect the unit from one engine and attach it to another. The engine output is transmitted by the driveshaft. By means of an intermediate flange, it is screwed to the clutch bellhousing and centered.

Driveshaft with special coupling
Electronicaldata recording including software
Eddiecurrent brake, movable with protection guard
Assemblyflange at flywheel of the engine

Possibilitiesof Trial and Demonstration:
Performance calculation using the measured values
Rotational speed and torque measurement with different engine operating conditions.


Max.engine torque: 1000 Nm
Power supply: 230 V.
