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Electro Stimulation

Electro Stimulation

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12400024

Categories: Electronics Equipment

Tags: Electro Stimulation


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  • Description

It causes selective muscular contractions, more powerful and extended than those that are possible through voluntary efforts; it increases the metabolism of the fats with consequent reduction of the adipose zones; it allows, without physical efforts, amazing results such as the increase of the tone and of the volume of the muscles; it tones up the muscles and it progressively reactivates the functionalities of limbs that need re-education. The Electro Stimulation, or the involuntary muscular contraction that is caused by electrical pulses, is a practice used both in rehabilitation and in sport or fitness.
Circuit blocks of Electro Stimulation
Typical circuit that is used in of Electro Stimulation
Main therapeutical effects in sport and beauty fields

Theoretical topics of Electro Stimulation
The Electro Stimulation for passive gymnastics
The Electro Stimulation
Biomedical techniques for the Electro Stimulation.


Electro Stimulation
