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Electronic Flight Instrument System Trainer

Electronic Flight Instrument System Trainer


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  • Description

Almost all the new generation commercial and military aircraft utilize electronic displays in the cockpit. Training imparted on an ARINC 429 based EFIS will prepare the students to easily understand other EFIS based on other versions of commercial and military avionics data busses. EFIS Trainer has been designed to enable avionics students to understand a typical digital bus EFIS system, and to perform maintenance and troubleshooting tasks that are typically encountered by avionics maintenance personnel. Electronic Flight Instrument System is the essential component of Glass Cockpit. he most widely used avionics data interface standards. It has been installed on many commercial passenger and transport aircraft including Airbus A310/A320 and A330/A340, Bell Helicopters, Boeing727, 737, 747, 757, 767. The fault panel allows for the simulation of typical aircraft EFISi nstallation faults including sensor feed faults. The faults are easy to select but not apparent to the student. A numbered switch panel or patching panel with cover is provided. The EFIS Trainer is based on Two Display Units, a Symbol Generator, a Control Unit, a Signal Simulator, and an Instructors Panel. Electronic displays are multi mode with ADI, HIS and Map modes. Map mode allows for superposition of Weather Radar data and sector display. Wiring harnesses in the trainer are representative of aircraft standards in hardware and wiring / looming techniques. Interconnect diagrams and panel circuit and layout diagrams are also provided.


Electronic Flight Instrument System Trainer
