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HF Radio Manpack Kit

HF Radio Manpack Kit

Product Code: LBNY-0009-210005

Categories: Hf Radio Equipment

Tags: HF Radio Manpack Kit


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  • Description

Light-weight, rugged and waterproof portable HF radio kit for field and emergency usage, composed of transceiver with built-in antenna tuner and internal GPS for position tracking.
Comes with portable (3 meter collapsible whip) and fixed (long-wire) antennas, battery and battery charger.


400 channels, 1.6 - 30MHz (250KHz - 30MHz receive), 12V DC, 25 watts (PEP), USB/LSB/AM. Ultra-light weight, fully ruggedized & immersible, selective call, group call, emergency call, phone call, with integrated automatic tuner, message call (64 characters), integrated ALE (CALM), GPS enabled, local and remote diagnostics, channel test calling.

HF Radio Manpack Kit

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