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Industrial Air Conditioning Assembly Kit

Industrial Air Conditioning Assembly Kit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-14100028

Categories: Refrigeration and HVAC Lab

Tags: Industrial Air Conditioning Assembly Kit


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  • Description

The kit can be assembled and disassembled as often as required and comes pre-filled with refrigerant.
An Industrial Air Conditioning Assembly Kit for teaching students to assemble and set-up an industrial air conditioner. Once assembled, temperature control can be studied.
The refrigerant used complies with anti-pollution legislation

Studying the operation of a water flow switch:
Analysing system behaviour and reactions with the variation of temperature set-point
Plotting the theoretical cycle on a refrigerant pressure-enthalpy diagram and calculating the thermostatic valve superheat
Studying the operation of a thermostatic expansion valve
ON/OFF control
System start-up


Procedures for:
Heat balances on air side: calculation of the heat exchanged in the air in the condenser and in the air exchanger .
Bleeding and cleaning the system
Carrying out refrigerant gas recovery procedures
Filling with refrigerant gas and checking joints.
