Our Products
Multi Functional Bench

Multi Functional Bench

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1070006

Categories: Food Technology Equipments

Tags: Multi Functional Bench


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  • Description

The Multi Functional Bench is heated by electricity and it is placed on wheels. That allows installing the unit wherever you want, also in rural areas.  
Multi Functional Bench is enough a single bench to set up a laboratory, in fact with you can cook, concentrate and mix, under vacuum or in atmosphere conditions, blanching fruit and vegetables, dosing the product still warm, and pasteurize full and capped vessels.
It is also possible to realize a fixed version of the machine, that in this case, will be connected to an external steam plant.
The Multi Functional Bench is composed of three section:
A pasteurizer tank which, as allowing the thermal treatment of the vessels, could be used to blanch fruit and vegetables using a basket with special holes.
A basin for the under vacuum cooking complete with an agitator, that offers significant advantages in terms of a little oxidation of the product and colour keeping;
A control panel allows you to set all the parameters and save recipes.
A section to dose the product coming from the first section.


Multi Functional Bench
