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Multi Tube Manometers

Multi Tube Manometers

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1610001

Categories: Air Flow Experiments Apparatus

Tags: Multi Tube Manometers


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  • Description

Multi Tube Manometer allows up to 16 pressures to be monitored simultaneously either relative to atmospheric pressure or another pressure, via the common reservoir. In order to increase the device sensitivity the device may be inclined at a known angle.
Multi Tube Manometers are highly useful for capturing pressure distributions from multiple pressure ports on bodies subjected to air flow past them. The adjustable inclination of Multi Tube Manometer helps in enhancing the contrast in the distribution. 
A Multi Tube Manometer with a common reservoir, that may be used to give a graphic display of pressure distribution on multi-point pressure tapings.
Mercury is used only for high speed flows like that in Supersonic wind tunnels. The inclination also increases the reading value thus increasing the accuracy of the measurement. Water or Methyl Alcohol and Mercury can be used as the fluid in these kinds of manometers.


Easy-to-read scale common to each manometer tube
Preset incline levels for consistency and accuracy  up to five times magnification
Thirty-six tube tilting manometer for measuring pressure taken from monitoring points on models in
subsonic wind tunnels
Pressure reading level preset by adjustable fluid reservoir includes fine-adjustment hand wheel
Adjustable feet for precise set up 
Uses water as manometer fluid with colouring for ease of visibility.
