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Programmable Logic Controllers PLC Process

Programmable Logic Controllers PLC Process

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1850003

Categories: Control Engineering Equipments

Tags: Programmable Logic Controllers PLC Process


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  • Description

The apparatus has two transparent tanks, mounted one above the other. A variable-speed pump transfers water from the reservoir (in the base of the unit) into the upper tank. PLC Process gives students and engineers practical experience of the principles and application of programmable logic controllers (PLCs). The object is to connect and program an external, programmable logic controller to monitor and control the level and flow rate of water in a two-tank system. The pump control is on or off, but a manual control allows the user to set the speed. A float switch in the reservoir monitors the level of water. The water can drain down to the lower tank and then back into the reservoir. Solenoid valves may be individually opened or closed to control and redirect the movement of the water.


Nett dimensions and weight: 560 mm x 330 mm x 810 mm, 25 kg
Packed dimensions and weight: 0.92 m3, 74 kg.

Programmable Logic Controllers PLC Process

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