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SCR Triac Power Control

SCR Triac Power Control

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12400074

Categories: Electronics Equipment

Tags: SCR Triac Power Control


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  • Description

Theoretical topics:
Thyristor circuit fundamentals
Thyristor component familiarization
SCR half wave rectifier
The four triggering modes
Half wave and full wave phase control
SCR control of a half wave rectifier
Test a Silicon Controlled Rectifier
SCR control of a full wave rectifier
UJT characteristics
UJT half wave and full wave phase control
Bidirectional conduction
SCR DC operation
Gate trigger voltage and holding current.


Fault simulation:
SCR half wave and full wave circuit
SCR and UJT half wave and full wave Motor
Circuit blocks of SCR Triac Power Control
Triac AC power control circuit
Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR).
