Our Products
Soil and Water Model Tank

Soil and Water Model Tank

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1180008

Categories: Irrigation Water Management Lab

Tags: Soil and Water Model Tank


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  • Description

Measurement of rates of water penetration into the soil is aided by a grid on the tank front. The equipment is self-contained with a sump tank, pump and flowmeter fitted behind the tank. Water may be discharged along the soil surface or directed to twin drip nozzles to demonstrate trickle irrigation.
Removable end plates allow soil samples to be changed quickly and easily.
The apparatus consists of a narrow transparent fronted tank which may be partially filled with any soil type. It is supported on a bench mounted frame.


Flood and drip surface outlets (two can be used together by fitting a Y-connector)
Overflow system to remove surface water to sump; complete with user instructions manual.
Bench mounted narrow sand tank 1000mm x 25mm x 450mm (L x W x D), with one large side formed from a sheet of transparent material.
Metal frame supporting sump tank from which water is pumped via a flow meter to the soil surface.
