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Tank Level Flow Trainer With PLC

Tank Level Flow Trainer With PLC

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1060005

Categories: Electronic Trainer Equipment Breadboard

Tags: Tank Level Flow Trainer With PLC


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  • Description

This Trainer includes see-through operating vessels and selected piping. One vessel has discrete level control, the other analog. The Tank Level Flow Trainer with PLC is a combination of working vessels and pumps, with interconnecting piping that is controlled by a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). 

Function of Tank Level Flow Trainer with PLC
Tank Level Flow Trainer with PLC process trainer pumps water from a storage tank into the first working tank which is fitted with level switches. The second tank has an inner air tank which can be selected to change the response characteristics of the process. Note that with this trainer are a number of student modules for instrumentation training in addition to operator training modules. Two parallel pumps, controlled by the PLC, transfer fluid from the first tank to the second where level is measured by analog instruments. Return flow from the second tank to the storage tank is by gravity and the discharge valve is controlled by the PLC.


Complete unit mounted on a utility size cart for ease of movement and storage
Clear plastic process pipe
Clear plastic working vessels
Control panel with PLC, computer interface and indicator lights
Three centrifugal pumps
Water storage tank
Approximate overall dimensions 120 x 60 x 180 cm
Available in all world voltages frequencies.
