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Unsymmetrical Bending And Shear Centre Apparatus

Unsymmetrical Bending And Shear Centre Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13900036

Categories: Civil Lab Structures Equipment

Tags: Unsymmetrical Bending And Shear Centre Apparatus


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  • Description

A U section, L section and rectangular beam cantilever is horizontally supported within a rotating clamp which fits in a substantial frame attached to the Universal Frame and Stand The rotating clamp enables the loading and deflection planes to be set relative to the cross section axes. Experiment investigating the Unsymmetrical Bending And Shear Centre Apparatus of different sectioned beams when the loading is not in the plane of a principal axis. A protractor scale is fitted to the substantial block and a pointer on the specimen references against this scale.


Experimental Capabilities:
Study of the horizontal deflection of asymmetrical cantilevers under various loadings
Study of the horizontal and vertical deflection of asymmetrical cantilevers Determination of the neutral axis in an angle section
Determination of the Shear Centre in U channel section only
when the plane of loading does not coincide with a principle axis of the section|
Verification of the theory of unsymmetrical bending.

Dial gauges to accurately measure the deflection of the free end of the test specimen during loading
Protractor attached
Cantilevered specimens: 'U'; 'L' and rectangular
Angle of principle axes can be varied
Specimen loading transmitted through hanger and calibrated test weights
Cantilever test length 600mm
Shear Centre analysis for 'U' specimen only.
Must be used with universal Frame and Stand
Comprehensive instruction manual provided.

Unsymmetrical Bending And Shear Centre Apparatus

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