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Advanced Hydrology Study System

Advanced Hydrology Study System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10400012

Categories: Hydraulics and Hydrology Instruments

Tags: Advanced Hydrology Study System


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  • Description

The water is output either from an outlet tank and flow measurement system located at the end of the main sand tank, from one or both of the two wells located in the tank, or one or both of the French drains. The unit comprises a sand tank, made of stainless steel, measuring 2 meters by 1 meter. A large plastic sump tank is located under the sand tank. Water may be input to the sand tank from spray nozzles located above the tank (simulating rainfall), from an inlet tank simulating a river flow or from two french drains buried in the sand at either end of the tank. 

Hydraulic gradients in ground water flow .Investigation of model stream flow in alluvial material
Determination of run-off hydrographs from model catchments including multiple storms, moving storms, effect of reservoir storage and land drains
Sediment transport, bed load motion, scour and erosion
Formation of river features and development over time
Construction of draw-down curves for one or two well systems in a sand bed.

Stilled inlet tank provides developed river flow conditions, allowing the full length of the tank to be used for river simulations
Control and measurement of inlet flows
Flexible configuration allows a wide range of simulations
Flexible configuration allows a wide range of simulations
Novel outlet tank design for water flow and sediment flow measurement
Stainless steel sand tank
Dual jacks provide adjustable tilt
Use of fine grade sand allows detailed feature development
Adjustable spray nozzle height
Computer data logging option for sediment and water outlet flow measurement.
Single grade of sand for all defined demonstrations, no need to change the sand.


Advanced Hydrology Study System
