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Vernier Hook And Point Gauges

Vernier Hook And Point Gauges

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10400016

Categories: Hydraulics and Hydrology Instruments

Tags: Vernier Hook And Point Gauges


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  • Description

A stainless steel hook or point is attached to the bottom end of the rod and is used to locate the water surface. A mounting frame is clamped to a suitable support structure and a gauging rod is free to slide up and down over the water surface.

Measurement of slowly changing water levels in flumes and hydraulic models.
Location of air-water surface boundaries with high resolution.
Measurement of mechanical deformation.


The liquid crystal display is easy to read and has a resolution of ±0.01mm. A push button gives immediate change to inches from millimetres if required. It can be set to zero anywhere in the operating range to permit easy relative level checking. A quick-release mechanism permits rapid changes of position. A direct indicating gauge which eliminates observation errors due to vernier and scale reading.
