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Frictional Vibrations

Frictional Vibrations

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1870005

Categories: Universal Vibration Apparatus

Tags: Frictional Vibrations


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  • Description

Friction is the resistance of a body against movement on a base. Self-excited friction oscillations, also known as slipstick phenomenon, occur if the static friction is significantly higher than the dynamic friction. Static friction means that a body remains at rest under the action of a force. If a limit value is exceeded, the body begins to move on the base, resulting in dynamic friction.

Learning Objectives And Experiments:
Observation of the transition from static to dynamic friction
Together with the drive unit
Influence of the relative velocity of the friction partners on the slipstick phenomenon
Influence of the force between the friction partners on the slipstick phenomenon
Influence of lubrication on slipstick phenomenon.

Friction rings of different materials for the study of different friction pairings
Slip Stick phenomenon at the transition from static to dynamic friction.


Frictional Vibrations
