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Reversible Pendulum Apparatus

Reversible Pendulum Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1870002

Categories: Universal Vibration Apparatus

Tags: Reversible Pendulum Apparatus


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  • Description

Reversible Pendulum Apparatus can be suspended from either pivot and swung. The two pivots are adjustable on the rigid metal bar and this allows the periods of swing to be adjustable. The Reversible Pendulum Apparatus consists of a rigid metal bar with two pivot points, one near each end of the bar.
The movable pivot is adjusted until the two periods are equal. From the period and the measured distance between the pivots, the acceleration of gravity can be calculated with great precision. In use, it is swung from one pivot, and the period timed, and then turned upside down and swung from the other pivot, and the period timed. At this point the period is equal to the period of an ideal simple pendulum of length equal to the distance between the pivots.

Experimental Capabilities:
To find the acceleration due to gravity 'g'
Investigate the effect of fulcrum position.


To consist of a wall mounted bracket onto which a suspended rigid bar is mounted.
To have two movable pivots to adjust the pivot point of the bar
To be apparatus to determine the gravitational acceleration 'g'
A stopwatch and measure for taking measurements on this apparatus supplied.
