Our Products
Steam Nozzle Training Unit

Steam Nozzle Training Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1120001

Categories: Thermodynamics Lab Equipments

Tags: Steam Nozzle Training Unit


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  • Description

The steam flow coming from the plant is conveyed to the nozzle under test by opening a valve. Pipes are insulated for safety and thermal efficiency reasons. It consists of three pipes mounting three different nozzles. The unit can be used with steam plants or with any other steam source at the pressure of 10 bar approx. It is supplied together with technical manual and exercise book. The Steam Nozzle Training Unit has been designed to enable students to perform steam flow tests with nozzles of different type.


Dry saturated steam: min flow rate 120 kg/h, min pressure 10 bar
Weight and dimensions:
Dimensions: 1200x700x2000 h mm
Weight: 150 kg.
