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Vibration Absorber Apparatus

Vibration Absorber Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18700014

Categories: Universal Vibration Apparatus

Tags: Vibration Absorber Apparatus


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  • Description

A central block is clamped to the test beam. Vibration Absorber carries two spring steel strips which are clamped in a cantilever arrangement transversely across the test beam. Experimental module, which fits into the Vibrations frame making up part of the Universal Vibration Apparatus. With the aid of the LVDT from the cantilevers and mass system can be tuned to the same natural frequency as the surround test beam and motor exciter. Attached onto each cantilever is a set of masses, which can have their magnitude and position adjusted. Once this is achieved the resonance frequency of the original system can be observed along with the resonance frequency of the Vibration Absorber itself.


Tuning of vibration absorber achievable through testing and moving masses
To be attachable to test beam
To be an experimental module making up part of the Universal Vibration Apparatus
To consists of central attachment block with two spring steel cantilevers onto which masses are clamped
Excellent visual demonstrator.
