This trainer is consists of three axes flight control computer, Mode Controller, Mode Annunciat or, Pitch / Yaw / Roll servos, Flight Director, and a magnetic slaved HSI System integrated with cockpit controls and includes control linkages to the control surfaces of a model aircraft.
The Autopilot/ Automatic Flight Controls Trainer is an excellent resource for teaching the principles of automatic flight controls by demonstration using a complete system that encompasses all the aspects of auto pilot and automatic flight controls. This is dedicated to bridging the gap between classroom instruction and practical,hands on training. This is representative of autopilot systems used on large commercial aircraft.
This is equipped with a complete control mechanism linked to a control yoke and rudder pedals. The visual display of realistic effects enhances the perception and understanding of flight controls. The trainer, in the standard configuration consists of a large model airplane with all the main control surfaces. Any movement in control yoke and rudder pedals results in the proportional movement of the control surfaces.