The student guide describes how to use the equipment and gives experiment procedures. For extra virtual experiments, can supply the optional Structures Software for use on a suitable computer. The experiment hardware fits onto a Structures Test Frame. To load the arch, students fit masses on weight hangers to set positions along the arch span. This measures the fixed moment reaction. At the other end, a load cell measures the horizontal thrust. The equipment includes leads to connect the load cells to a Digital Force Display. Both ends of the arch are fixed. At one end of the arch, a moment arm rests on a load cell. They also extend the choice of tests than that available using only the hardware, for example: higher loads, uniform loads or different test specimens. This extends the students learning experience. The lecturer guide provides details of the equipment including sample experiments results. For automatic data acquisition of your experiment results,can supply the optional Automatic Data. The virtual experiments simulate the tests that you do with the hardware. Refer to the Structures Software datasheet for full details.