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Capillary Tube Cutter

Product Code: LBNY-0004-920003 - (Capillary Tube Cutter)

Capillary Tube Cutter



Welding Oxygen Cylinder

Product Code: LBNY-0004-930003 - (Welding Oxygen Cylinder)

Welding Oxygen Cylinder



Basic Electrical and Electronic Appliances EX Board B

Product Code: LBNY-0001-960003 - (Basic Electrical and Electronic Appliances EX Board B)

Basic Electrical and Electronic Appliances EX Board B



Control/Unit for Twin Rotor Mimo System

Product Code: LBNY-0001-970003 - (Control/Unit for Twin Rotor Mimo System)

Control/Unit for Twin Rotor Mimo System



Unit Fluid Bed Dryer, Digital

Product Code: LBNY-0001-990003 - (Unit Fluid Bed Dryer, Digital)

Unit Fluid Bed Dryer, Digital



Slant Bed Turn Mill Centre

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1920003 - (Slant Bed Turn Mill Centre)

Slant Bed Turn Mill Centre



Pipe Cleaning Training Panel

Product Code: LBNY-0006-2170003 - (Pipe Cleaning Training Panel)

Pipe Cleaning Training Panel Teaching Equipment Hydraulic



Flash Drum Trainer With PLC

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1060003 - (Flash Drum Trainer With PLC)

Flash Drum Trainer With PLC trainer provides the student the opportunity to gain real operating experience focusing on both the process of flash separation and control strategy. The Flash Drum Trainer With PLC is a bench-scale plant that demonstrates continuous separation of a binary mixture of water saturated with carbon dioxide. The process has instrumentation to provide for control of operating flow, temperature, level and pressure. 

Function of Flash Drum Trainer With PLC  
Flash Drum Trainer With PLC trainer separates a water CO2 mixture in a see-through, industrial glass vessel. The trainer is equipped with process measurement and control devices. The separation of volatile gasses dissolved in a liquid and recovery of the components usually involves a flash drum. Flash drum operations are found throughout the petroleum, petrochemical and numerous other industries. The entire trainer is controlled from a programmable logic controller computer interface (PLC). It has one each of temperature, pressure, level and flow controls.



Analog Communication System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1130003 - (Analog Communication System)

2 modules form basis for over 9 fully documented experiments
144MHz VHF FM transceiver trainer
Includes experiment and instructor's manual.



Programmable Logic Controller Trainer

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1150003 - (Programmable Logic Controller Trainer)

Input-simulation switches function as level and pulse input for different input signal.
With various peripheral devices and other devices that support external extensions, particularly suited for laboratory experiment and project implementation
Installation of output relay helps to increase load current.
Easy-to-use windows-based development software
Easy to carry, move and store with a suitcase design
Source mode (standard) or sink mode (option) upon request.
Equipped with various simulations I/O devices for the convenience of studying and observing the results
Use 4mm safety sockets input/output terminals to ensure the physical safety of users.



Air And Water Permeability Of Concrete

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1220003 - (Air And Water Permeability Of Concrete)

Permeability is recognized as being the most important parameter in assessing concrete durability. The depth test is performed by drilling a hole 10 mm diameter x 40 mm deep, and plugged with a silicone rubber plug. The ingress of air and moisture into the concrete can cause corrosion of the steel reinforcement and lead to a deterioration in concrete strength. An hypodermic needle is passed into the stopper; the water permeability test is performed by measuring the time of absorption needed by the water introduced into the void by pressure. Therefore, a measure of the ease of movement of liquids and gases through the surface layer of the concrete is a better method of assessing the soundness and expected life of concrete than strength alone. Surface permeability tests can be carried out by clamping a stainless. For the air permeability test, a vacuum pressure is created in the void, and the time needed to rise this pressure is measured.



Erlenmeyer Flasks Wide Neck

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1750003 - (Erlenmeyer Flasks Wide Neck)

Erlenmeyer Flasks, Wide Neck with graduation
Capacity (ml)



Rolling Friction In Friction Wheels

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1010003 - (Rolling Friction In Friction Wheels)

Dynamic friction is differentiated into sliding, rolling and spinning friction. In dynamic friction, there is relative translation between the two bodies. Rolling friction occurs when two bodies roll on each other without sliding. In bearing and drive technology, dynamic friction occurs at the sliding and rolling points, which leads to power losses in the technical systems. Rolling friction is therefore a combination of rolling and dynamic friction. In rolling friction, the rolling motion is superposed with a smaller sliding friction, known as slip.

Frictional forces between two rolling friction wheels
Use of different lubricants possible
How slip affects the frictional force

Learning Objectives And Experiments:
Determine the frictional forces as a function of load, lubrication and operating speed
How slip affects the frictional force
Together with the drive unit
Determine the coefficients of friction.



Computer Controlled Radial Heat Conduction

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1020003 - (Computer Controlled Radial Heat Conduction)

The Radial Heat Conduction accessories have been designed todemonstrate the application of the Fourier rate equation to simple steady-stateconduction radially through the wall of a tube.

Hardware Description:
The accessory comprises a soliddisk of material, which is heated at the centre and cooled at the periphery tocreate a radial temperature difference with corresponding radial flow of heatby conduction.
Six K-type thermocouples arepositioned at different radii in the heated disk to indicate the temperaturegradient from the central heated core to the periphery of the disk.
The arrangement, using a solid metal disk with temperature measurementsat different radii and heat flow radially outward from the centre to theperiphery, enables the temperature distribution and flow of heat by radialconduction to be investigated.
The heater power and the cooling water flow rate are controlled via,either from the front panel or from the computer software. These are controlledmanually.
A control valve permits the flowof cooling water to be varied, if required, over the operating range of 0-1.5l/min.
The cooling water flow rate ismeasured by a turbine type flow sensor .
An optional cooling water flowrate sensor Set 2 is available upon request for the connecting directly intothe service unit.
The radial distance between eachthermocouple in the disk is 10mm.
Quick-release connectionsfacilitate rapid connection of the cooling tube to a cold water supply. Apressure regulator is incorporated to minimise the effect of fluctuations inthe supply pressure.



Centrifugal Pump Characteristics

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1030003 - (Centrifugal Pump Characteristics)

This auxiliary pump is intended to be used inconjunction with the basic Hydraulics Bench. This accessory comprises a variable speed pumpassembly and independent discharge manifold interconnected by flexible tubingwith quick release connectors. The pump speed is varied by an inverter drive. An independent discharge manifold incorporates apressure gauge and flow control valve prior to a discharge pipe with diffuser. A compound pressure gauge is mounted on the pump inlet and a pressuregauge is mounted on the pump outlet. Themotor speed, output voltage and motor current can be monitored on the inverterdisplay. The auxiliary pump is mounted on a support plinthdesigned to be positioned on the floor besides the hydraulics bench, adjustable feet allowing levelling.



Mobile Bed and Flow Visualisation Tank

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1040003 - (Mobile Bed and Flow Visualisation Tank)

The tank is manufactured from glass reinforced plastic and all components in contact with water are of non-corroding materials.
A self contained recirculating water tank for flow visualisation and mobile bed studies.
All controls are housed in a portable console which includes a flexible cable and water safe connectors.
Fifteen models and accessories are included as standard and a sheet of coloured glass allows rapid changeover from mobile bed to flow visualisation mode.
The working section has minimum dimensions of 2m(4m) x 610mm and the flow range is 0-3.5 litres/sec.



Carbonator Filler Or Capper

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1070003 - (Carbonator Filler Or Capper)

The totally new design including a large number of improvements andenhancements. In particular, special attention has been given to the ease ofuse, enhanced flexibility, reliability and improved Clean In Place (CIP).
The  miniature-scale carbonatorprovides the ability to establish precise and repeatable parameters whencarbonating in the laboratory, this can dramatically improve the speed withwhich new products are developed.
Both premix and postmix operations are available from the standardmachine, and an option is available to add the syrup for postmix automatically.
Other options enable for deaeration of the product and evacuation of thebottles, continuous processing capability, and filling and capping (screwand/or crown) at a single station without removing the bottle.
The Carbonator/Filler is easy to install, set up and use.
Theimproved semi-automated cleaning programme takes the user step by step throughthe cleaning process and enables the unit to be made ready for another productor formulation. Colour touch screen control is used with a new graphical interface,enabling different carbonating and filling scenarios to be set and stored. 

Features & Benefits:
Easily reproducible test batches
Very flexible and accurate
No CO2 loss during filling dueto double stage cooling
Fill and cap different container styles to individual parameters on thesame product run
32 preset programs
Easy to use: many functions automated
Cost saving: for small test batches no production line is required
Additional filling/capping head can be added at a later date
Accurate control of filling and carbonating variables
Option of filling and crown sealcapping and/or screw top capping at a single station
30l process vessel, positioned at a convenient height
Batch & continuous processing
Evaluation service for customer cans and bottles
CO2 content of 12g/l can be realised
Enhanced colour touch screen control with help facility as standard
In-bottle pressure measurement enables accurate and reproducibledepressurisation
Throughputs up to 60l/h achievable (2l bottles)
Higher throughputs possible with add-on filling/capping system
Wide range of cans or bottles can be used from 0.15l to in excess of 2l
Adds protective gases (N2 connection now standard)
Many parameters can be automated
Fills non-carbonated drinks
Improved cleaning programs with heater and spray ball
CO2 or NO2 flushing
Carbonates foaming products
Carbonates at any temperature between 4C and ambient
Premix and postmix capability.



Electronic Fuel Injection

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1080003 - (Electronic Fuel Injection)

The Electronic Fuel Injection experiments covered by the panel are:
Injection time calculation with oscilloscope
Injection time calculation with tachometer and dwell meter
Air temperature effect on the quantity of injected fuel
Signal analysis with oscilloscope
Study of injector activation signal at various conditions
Injection duration at various speeds, temperatures and engine loads
Oxygen sensor operation.
Valve position switch output signals
Valve position sensor output signals.
Relationship between the duration of injector opening to the quantity of injected fuel.



Assembly Control Gear

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1090003 - (Assembly Control Gear)

The unit provides different configurations of control gears, which serve as an introduction togear engineering. The unit focuses in particular on the practical assembly ofgear components. The exercise system can be used to configure six differentgears in various combinations. Control gears are also known as variable or change gears.They are characterised by the fact that the speed is transferred differentlyvia various pairs of gear wheels. The most famous example is the transmissionin a car, which has one pair of gear wheels for each gear. The setup of the components is flexible so thatyou can configure your own ideas and try out different gears. The unit is driven by a handcrank. A solid frame made of square steel tubes and various bearings ensuressufficient accuracy to be able to set precise tooth interlocking. Allcomponents of the exercise system are ready at hand and securely housed in astorage system. Individual activities such as understanding the task and reading the drawing, assemblingthe components, adjusting, calibrating and checking the gear, and performingcalculations are performed one after the other.

Flexible and robust assembly kit for continuing mechanicalgear engineering.
Quick and simple assembly.
Uses industrial components to represent the real worldaccurately.



Engine Cycle Analyser

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1110003 - (Engine Cycle Analyser)

Ideal for student experiments, laboratory demonstrations or project work, Engine Cycle Analyser enables students to investigate a variety of engine performance characteristics. The equipment is primarily for use with engine test sets and engines but it can also be used with other engines fitted with compatible cylinder head transducers and crank angle encoders. The versatile equipment consists of both hardware and software specially designed for educational use. It enables students to investigate the relationship between crank angle or volume and the cylinder pressure in an internal combustion engine. The equipment consists of a hardware unit with connectors and leads,plus Windows based data acquisition and analysis software. The hardware consists of a microprocessor-based signal conditioning unit with high-speed PC interface, housed in a rugged, protective enclosure. The cylinder pressure input includes a precision charge amplifier with a digital thumb-wheel for calibration. As well as crank angle position,the signal from the Crank Angle Encoder is also used to determine engine speed. It accepts and conditions signals from the Cylinder Head Pressure Transducer and Crank Angle Encoder available separately. 

