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Training System Level Control

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1270001 - (Training System Level Control)

Disturbance variables generated by electromagnetic proportional valve in tank outlet
Tank with overflow and graduated scale
Experimental unit for control engineering experiments
Level measurement by pressure sensor
Process schematic on front panel
Level control process with transparent tank
Speed-controlled pump.



Level Control

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1260009 - (Level Control)

This trainer has amodular structure and it consists of panels installed on a verticalframe. It is supplied with a theoretical and practical manual. Industrial type components are educationally adapted by using a modular panel system to permit the step by step assembling from the simplest circuit to the most complex system. This laboratory is designed for the study of the Level Control Application to allow the student a practical training, based on theperformance of guided experiments. The modularity of this system can give the students a direct and immediate approach to the topics, offering the opportunity to study various subjects, performing several experiments as following:

Pumps features:
Measurement systems features
Level control with adjuster P
Level control with adjuster PI
Level process features
Level control with adjuster PID
Level control with a 2 position controller.



Automatic Water Level Control Model

Product Code: LBNY-00013-110009 - (Automatic Water Level Control Model)

Automatic Water Level Control Model



Level Control Apparatus, Three Term Electronic

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12800012 - (Level Control Apparatus, Three Term Electronic)

This Level Control System is designed to allow numerous level control experiments to be performed within a typical laboratory session. This invention relates to an improved type of electronic liquid level control apparatus, yand more particularly toa relatively. A simple electronic type 'of controller which may be utilized to maintain substantially accurate liquid levels, within small liquid receiving chambers. A for use with very small liquid receiving chambers, such as -may be used 'in laboratory apparatus or pilot plants, or they are not adapted for use with extremely high pressure'equipment because of yinadequate packing glands or sealing means. Still other types of liquid level 'controllers are adapted to operate overa relatively wide range of level variations and are not sensitive to small changes ,in liquid' level. The unit enables students to investigate the effects of changing the parameters of the control algorithm and changes can be made to the process conditions by adjustment of the ow into the vessel. Many of the present-forms of liquid level ycontrollers are of a type which are not suitable.



Level Control AND Regulation Study Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12600016 - (Level Control AND Regulation Study Unit)

Level Control AND Regulation Study Unit makes it possible to analyse the behavior of a control loop where the controlled quantity is the water level in a tank. The unit can be had in two versions, where the control element consists of a pneumatic valve or a motorised electricvalve. Students can examine the effects of the different control parameters on the performance of the control chain and the stability of the system; furthermore, they can become familiar with the components commonly adopted in modern industrial applications, as the system is entirely made of industrial quality components. The behavior of the controlled quantity can be followed visually so that the students can grasp the basic concepts of control and regulation techniques in an intuitive manner.



Level Control Demonstration Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12700086 - (Level Control Demonstration Unit)

Level control with transparent tank
Level-controlled tank with overflow and graduated scale
Level measurement by pressure sensor
Experimental unit for control engineering experiments
Large process schematic on front panel
Process variables X and Y accessible as analogue signals via lab jacks
Generation of disturbance variables by ball valve with scale in outlet
Control valve: electromagnetic proportional valve
Multi-functional digital industrial controller.



Flow Level Control Demonstration Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12700088 - (Flow Level Control Demonstration Unit)

Flow measurement by rotameter with electrical output
Generation of disturbance variables by ball valves with scale
Tank with overflow and scale
Experimental unit for control engineering experiments
Level and flow control individually, and cascaded
Large process schematic on front panel
Key process variables accessible as analogue signals at lab jacks
Level measurement by pressure sensor
Control valve: electromagnetic proportional valve
2 digital industrial controllers, parameterisable as P, PI or PID controllers, cascade.

